Johanna Havemann - Research Data Management (RDM) in accordance with the FAIR and CARE principles.

Course description:

Research projects are usually composed of three or more smaller but highly complex project units that run in parallel generating multiple sets of data. Making these data available upon publication according to the four foundational principles – Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability (FAIR principles) is a standard requirement and established part of there research workflow. This course gives an introduction to RDM, the contextualisation of datasets by adding relevant metadata, theory and practical application of FAIR and CARE (people & purpose) principles as well as an overview of appropriate research data repositories along with legal and ethical aspects to take into consideration in the process.

Course/seminar content:

Module I: The Context for Data Sharing

Module II: Allowing reuse and gaining credit for sharing your research data

Module III: Data Publishing

Module IV: From Active Data to Archived Data Module

Module V: Practical Application of the FAIR Data Principles Module

Module VI: Sharing Sensitive Research Data


  1. Trainer input
  2. Group discussions:

Speaker Biography:

With a background in Evolution and Developmental Biology, Dr. Johanna Havemann is a trainer and consultant in [Open] Science Communication and [digital] Science Project Management. Her work experience covers NGOs, a science startup and international institutions including the UN Environment Programme. With a focus on digital tools for science and her label Access 2 Perspectives, she aims at strengthening global science communication in general – and with a regional focus on Africa – through Open Science.

Workshop Schedule


Introduction to RDM and the Research Data Management Plan.

10:30-10:45 Break